

Join Our Team

Inclusive Orkney are looking for individuals to join our fabulous team who are fun, enthusiastic and passionate about supporting children.

Your role at Weekend Club or at any of our events is to come along, help set up, play with the children, interact with families and help tidy up.

Inclusive Orkney would not be able to run weekend clubs or fundraise if it wasn’t for the group of wonderful volunteers that we have.

We are always keen to grow our Inclusive Orkney family so join us in becoming a volunteer by complete the form below.

We are keen to have the time our young volunteers are giving us recognised and celebrated and therefore we encourage our young volunteers to be part of the Saltire Awards. Any volunteers under the age of 25 can put their time volunteering with us towards a Saltire Award.


Volunteer Application Form
If you are interested in volunteering for Inclusive Orkney, please contact us for more information or fill out the form below.
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Emergency Contact 1: Name
Emergency Contact 2: Name