
Weekend Club

Lifestyles Centre Kirkwall Pickaquoy Centre, Muddisdale Road, Kirkwall, United Kingdom

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Picky Arena Inflatables

Term time monthly sessions: Inclusive Orkney are delighted to be funding sessions to allow children with additional support needs and their families to access different activities each month. All FREE of charge and no booking required - just turn up.

Picky Pool Inflatables (Water Walkerz)

Term time monthly sessions: Inclusive Orkney are delighted to be funding sessions to allow children with additional support needs and their families to access different activities each month. All FREE of charge and no booking required - just turn up.

Pakora Making Sessions

Orkney College Orkney College, Kirkwall

Good afternoon - we're delighted to share we have received some very exciting funding to offer 4 pakora making classes at the Orkney College Business, Tourism & Hospitality Department. Sheetal from The Pakora Explorer will be taking the classes and we are aiming these at teenagers aged between 12-18 and a parent/carer would need to […]

Soft Play at Glues

Term time monthly sessions: Inclusive Orkney are delighted to be funding sessions to allow children with additional support needs and their families to access different activities each month. All FREE of charge and no booking required - just turn up.

Picky Arena Inflatables

Term time monthly sessions: Inclusive Orkney are delighted to be funding sessions to allow children with additional support needs and their families to access different activities each month. All FREE of charge and no booking required - just turn up.

Weekend Club

Lifestyles Centre Kirkwall Pickaquoy Centre, Muddisdale Road, Kirkwall, United Kingdom

Book Now

Picky Pool Inflatables (Commando Crawl)

Term time monthly sessions: Inclusive Orkney are delighted to be funding sessions to allow children with additional support needs and their families to access different activities each month. All FREE of charge and no booking required - just turn up.

Parents Night – Yoga with Adele

Guide Hall, Kirkwall Guide Hall, Kirkwall, United Kingdom

We are delighted to be inviting our wonderful parents/ carers along to a nice relaxing FREE Yoga session. Booking Via Eventbrite is essential via the following link

Soft Play at Glues

Term time monthly sessions: Inclusive Orkney are delighted to be funding sessions to allow children with additional support needs and their families to access different activities each month. All FREE of charge and no booking required - just turn up.

Weekend Club

Lifestyles Centre Kirkwall Pickaquoy Centre, Muddisdale Road, Kirkwall, United Kingdom

Book Now

Blue Door

Blue Door 63 Victoria St, Kirkwall, United Kingdom